Vale Vale - Alok | Música Tema: Free Fire World Series 2019
Year of production: 2019
Role: Animator
I have a pleasure to work with Vetor Zero on this spot.
Animation: (00:00 - 00:16)
Animation: (01:02 - 01:08)
Prevent Senior - Cinépolis
Year of production: 2019
Role: Co- Director, Animation Director, Pipeline, Layout, Rigging and Animator
Year of production: 2019
Role: Animation Supervisor
AIR JET - Segurança Aérea
Year of production: 2019
Role: Animation
I have a pleasure to work with Big Studios on this spot.
Responsible for animations at (01:51 to 01:55)
Responsible for animations at (02:15 to 02:35)
Autênticas - Openning Season 1
Year of production: 2019
Role: Co- Director, Animation Director, Pipeline, Layout, Rigging and Animator
Responsible for the Visaul Identidy and Motion Graphics togheter with my friend Babboo
Globo Sinalização
Year of production: 2018
Role: Layout, Rigging and Animator
I worked with Lobo/VetorZero crew on this spot. My role was Layout, Rigging and Animation.
Animation: (00:00 - 00:11) and (00:15 - 00:18)
Gloob - Junta Aê
Year of production: 2018
Role: Animator
I was responsible for all animations. This was a crazy job to do and I think it turned out with a good looking result. :) Had a pleasure working with Factory Team
Grupo Americas
Year of production: 2018
Role: Animation
Worked as animator with Casablanca team
Responsible for animations at (00:13 to 00:19)
AYDEN_French Version
Year of production: 2018
Role: 3d Layout, Animation, Rigging
Year of production: 2017 - 2018
Role: Animation Supervisor and Animator
I worked as an Animator Supervisor and Animator.
Directed by Big Studios
Animation: (00:00 - 00:09)
Jonhson's Dragon
Year of production: 2017
Role: Rigger
Year of production: 2017
Role:Rigging and Animation
Lançamento Honda WRV
Year of production: 2017
Role:Rigging and Animation
KISUCO - Molejo
Year of production: 2017
Role: Animation
I worked as a Layout Artist and Animator.
Directed by Altons and Atomo FX
Click for the second spot (30secs)
Spot # 1 animation: (00:42 - 00:43) - fixies and layout (00:21 - 00:25, 00:43 - 00:45)
Spot # 2 animation: (00:18 - 00:19) - fixies and layout (00:06 - 00:08, 00:15 - 00:18)
Grendene Kids contra o terrível Macaco Samurai! VR 360
Year of production: 2017
Role: Animation
Had a pleasure to work with Big Studios animating the Monkey Sequence.
It was a chalenge. I had to animate 60 seconds in 5 days.
Monkey Sequence: (04:42 - 05:42)
Num Noms Animated WebSeries
Year of production: 2016
Role: Animation
Worked as Animator with Flux Animation Team (AU) .
Ep # 1: (00:08 - 00:21, 00:52 - 00:56, 02:23 - 02:30)
Ep # 2: (01:16 - 01:24) - Ep # 4: (01:36 - 01:44)
TV Globo - VEM AI
Year of production: 2016
Role: Animation
Year of production: 2017
Role: Layou and Animation Supervisor
Had a pleasure to work with Tribbo Post doing the animation supervising and previz for this spot
A Cor do Rolê ♡ por Luísa Viscardi
Year of production: 2017
Role: Opening Title Animation
Responsible for the Opening Title Animation.
Watch all the Episodes at : A COR DO ROLÊ (Youtube Channel)
Pão de Açucar - 15 secs anim shorts
Year of production: 2016
Role: Animation, Rigging, Comp , Modeling
Had a pleasure to work with Big Studios creating these spots for Pão de Açúcar.
I was responsible for the layout, animation, rigging, comp and modeling on the first spot.
BOTICÁRIO - Cuide-se Bem
Year of production: 2016
Role: Previz and Animation
Had a pleasure to work with Zombie Studios doing the previz and animation for this spot.
EMERGÊNCIA PET - Animal Planet
Year of production: 2016
Role: Motion Designer, Animaiton and Logo Creation
I created the Logo and was responsible for the Motion Graphics and animation with my friend Pablo Gallardo
Campanha Paper Toys - Drogaria São Paulo e Pacheco
Year of production: 2016
Role: Previz, Modeling, Rigging, Texturing, Animation and Render
HONDA “The Dreamer”
Year of production: 2015
Role: Previz, Rigging and Animation
My Role was Previz, animation and props rigs.
Roof Studio Collaborates with RPA to create this magical and whimsical commercial for the 2016 Honda Civic.
- click to see full credits and making off -
TNT - Forjada a porrada
Year of production: 2015
Role: Animaton & Pipeline
Had the pleasure to work with Kumite Crew on this spot for TNT.
My role on this was some animation, pipeline and overall troubleshooting.
Animation Breakdown:
(00:21 to 00:24), (00:38 to 00:41), (00:47 to 00:57)
Year of production: 2015
Role: Character Rigger
Responsible for all Character Rigs.
Year of production: 2015
Role: Design, Motion and Animation
Role: Design, Motion and Animation
Chicken Balls
Year of production: 2015
Role: Character Rigger and Feather System
Responsible for Character Rig and Feather System
Year of production: 2014
Role: Animation Direction (2d & 3d), Post , Comp
Had a pleasure to work on this one as an Animator and Post Production Director.
With ma man Raul Machado as a Director and Gian Burani as an Animator and Effects. hope you like it.
SONAE - Natal 2014
Year of production: 2014
Role: Character Rigger
Responsible for all Characters Rigs.
ConectCar 3d
Year of production: 2014
Role: 3d Director Supervisor, Rigger, Animation
Worked as a 3d Director Supervisor and did all the rigs (props and characters), pipeline and some animation.
SuperBid - Shark
Year of production: 2014
Role: Character Rigger
Responsible for all Characters Rigs.
SuperBid - Wolf
Year of production: 2014
Role: Character Rigger
Responsible for all Characters Rigs.
Clubversão - Tv Show Opening and Visual Idendity
Year of production: 2014
Role: Concept, Motion Graphics, Design
My role at this opening was: creative direction, , motion graphics an post production.
This is the opening for the tv show CLUBVERSÃO that debuted on oct 7 on HBO Plus.
I was responsible for the visual Identity of the show.
production company: Polar Filmes
Vale Sul 2014
Year of production: 2014
Role: Animation
Role: Animation
Animation Breakdown
(00:00 to 00:05) , (00:11 to 00:14)
US Cellular
Year of production: 2013
Role: Animation
Role: Animation
Animation Breakdown:
(00:00 to 00:09)
TF1 Pub Christmas Edit
Year of production: 2013
Role: Animator
Role: Animation
Animation Breakdwon
(00:00 to 00:08) , (00:48 to 00:55)
Chiclets Magnata
Year of production: 2013
Role: Rigging and Animation*
Role: all character rigs and one animation at (00:17 to 00:19)
Production Company: The Kumite
*task split with other animators
Allianz Cinepolis
Year of production: 2013
Role: Animation
Role: Animation
Animation Breakdown:
(00:14 to 00:19 , 00:28 to 00:35, 00:39 to 00:43)
Year of production: 2013
Role: Charcacter TD and Animator
I worked with Big Studio crew as an Animator and Character TD doing the rigging for all characters.
VIVO Mantra
Year of production: 2012
Role: Rigging (body and facial)
This Movie was made at Vetor Zero and had a bunch of professionals working on it. I made at about 17 rigs + some props rig. I was concentrated more on the facial rig for biped and complete rig for the animals. (bunny, cat and dog) There was Daniel Ho, Sergio Gorgueira, Rogerio Myiagui and Vivi Adade on the rigging team.
We had at about two and a half week to made all the rigs.
Wish Star
Year of production: 2013
Role: Character Rigger
Responsible for all Characters Rigs.
CCSP Gold Magic
Year of production: 2011
Role: Animaion Supervisor and Senior TD
I worked with Prodigo crew as an Animator Supervisor and Seniro TD. As Senior TD, I had the opportunity to develop some tools such as auto facial rig, stop motion maker, pipeline tool and many others.
VIVO Natal Conectado
Year of production: 2012
Role: Animation and Character TD
I Was responsible for all the characters rigs ( body and Facial) and animation at 00:19 to 00:29, 00:51 to 00:55, 01:54 to 01:57
Luan Santana - Nosso Tempo é Hoje - DVD Opening
Year of production: 2013
Role: Concept Design, 3d (modeling, render, rigging, animation) ,Composition
Thanks to Polar FIlmes crew, responsible for all the rest of the DVD and show "Nosso tempo é hoje" de Luan Santana
Hope you like it !!! Very short time to do it. :)
I used FoxRenderFarm for rendering, amazing crew and support. thanx..
Coca-Cola / O Mascote
Year of production: 2012
Role: Comp Artist (After Effects)
I did the compostion and some vfx (opening courtain, graphics, fireworks) for this movie. Fernando Ricciopo also particpated as a comp artist.
Horacio Teaser
Year of production: 2010
Role: Animation, Rigging and Character Modeling (moskito and Horacio)
Teaser made for the Horacio Feature Film.
Turma do Penadinho - Animated Series
Year of production: 2010
Role: Animation Supervisor, Senior Rigger
Animation Supervisor and responsilble for all Character Rigs and Props
Year of production: 2012
Role: Animation Supervisor, Senior TD and Pipeline
I participate as Animator Supervisor e Character TD in this movie. Was really great to work with the Black Maria team and this was a movie made with remote artists, using Maya for rigging and animation and 3d max for render.
The pipeline worked really well.
Havaianas Morph
Year of Production: 2007
Role: Modeling, Animation, Rigging and Render
I participated in a series of Havainas spots with the Digital 21 team.